
Registration System

The congress registration system is STILL open now closed

Ecoacoustics congress registration portal is now closed


Early bird registration ends Sunday 15th April

Register for the Ecoacoustics congress before April 15th  22nd to receive a reduced rate.

Early Bird Registration: $350 (AUD)

Early Bird Student Registration: $250 (AUD)


Standard Registrations (after 15  22 April)

Standard Registration: $450 (AUD)

Standard Student Registration: $350 (AUD)

One day Registration: $175 (AUD)


Conference dinner : cost $100 (AUD)

The Conference Dinner will be held at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, the world’s first and largest koala sanctuary. Enjoy a delicious meal, network with your fellow attendees and have your photo taken with a koala.

Extra tickets for social events 

The cost of the welcome reception is included in the full conference registration.

The cost of the conference  dinner is extra. During the registration process participants can purchase dinner tickets and additional welcome reception tickets.


For all registration queries, please contact:

Rebecca Wood

QUT Conferences


phone: +61 7 3138 7271